Moving Beyond the Mind: Let Go of Your Boxes

Human minds reside in boxes

Human minds reside in boxes. We build these boxes ourselves, based on past experiences, societal programming, or outside influences. We create boxes around our identities, our life situations, and our beliefs, and we box in what should happen, what could happen, and what we want to happen. Every thought we have, whether we realize it or not, has a box.

These are the boxes that create resistance.

As you journey down your path to consciousness and step closer to enlightenment, the box that you create for yourself expands. As you open your mind and expand your consciousness, your box grows as well.

So often we forget that these boxes are the product of our minds. Your inner voice, your soul, and your true self have no boxes. They have no limits, and no need to engage in the duality of the mind. But for the ego, these boxes constitute life. Everything within the box is safe, known, and comfortable. Anything out of the box is new, scary, and bad. This is why fear comes when you face a life-changing decision, or think about leaping into the unknown.

To the ego, the unknown is scary. The unknown is uncharted territory, somewhere the mind never goes willingly.

The boxes serve to keep us safe, to give the mind a boundary, a line of safety which should not be crossed. But often we have outgrown these boxes without noticing it. The majority of the boxes we hold in our minds no longer serve us. Our egos may believe that they are keeping us safe, but in reality they are holding us back.

As you expand in consciousness, you begin to see the unity of all things. Recognizing the duality of the mind allows you to move past it. The irony is that duality is itself a box. Without duality, good or bad, separate or together, mental boxes are impossible to create. But perceiving things as good or bad, separate or together, perceiving things in a dualistic nature, is yet another box of the mind. It is just so engrained that we fail to see it.

So what would happen if you let go of the boxes?

When you identify your boxes, and then spend your time letting them dissolve, the result is a leap in consciousness. Each box that you remove represents a door that is now open. A way of thinking that you were blind to, but now you can see clearly.

The trick is actually letting go. Letting go of our beliefs, of what should be happening, and of the illusion that we are only safe in our boxes sounds so simple, but to the mind it is anything but easy.

Each box that you release brings you closer to your soul, but farther away from egoic control. This is both beautiful and difficult, relieving and scary.

But what if you were meant to release those boxes? To step into the unknown, to break the mold, and to take the leap?

What if you were meant for such a time as this?

When you remove the boundaries of your mind, you reveal the light of your soul. As your light becomes more clear, so does your soul journey, the path that is beautifully, and uniquely, crafted for the evolution and development of you.

So what if you let go of the boxes? What if you listened to the song of your soul, and allowed it to shine through you? If you stepped into the unknown, answered your calling, and leaped into the next level of consciousness. This is where your adventure begins.

Enjoy this journey, sweet friend. It was made just for you.