Read more about the article 8 Things to Do When You Are Consumed with Doubt
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8 Things to Do When You Are Consumed with Doubt

We all have moments of doubt. Our worldviews are challenged, our beliefs are torn apart, or our emotions are questioned. These moments can make us feel lost and afraid or frozen where we are, unable to take another step or say another word. Whether these moments last for days, months, or years, here are eight tools you can use to clear the fog. 1. Talk it Out There is an amazing scene in the TV show ‘Grace and Frankie’ where Frankie pulls out her phone and ‘vlogs’. All she is doing is talking to her phone about her problems, but it always seems to help. Those scenes always make me laugh because as silly as it seems, there is an important message there. Talking out your problems, no matter what they are, always, always makes you feel better. Sometimes it leads to big breakthroughs,…

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Growing Through It: Part One

Difficult situations come for us every day. Most days, we grin and bear it, stuffing our feelings down and locking them away. It isn’t until days, months, weeks, or even years later that those feelings spill back into our lives, rearing their heads in the form of stress, anxiety, depression, and anger. We are all told that shoving our feelings down and away isn’t healthy. But we aren’t ever told what to do with them instead. While crying it out or punching a pillow may be cathartic, they don’t dig down to the root of the issue: Why you are feeling the way you are. The Growing Through It series is meant to help you not only feel your feelings fully, but turn them into something constructive that helps you grow and evolve. Growing Through It: Introduction When we are feeling angry, sad, stressed,…

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Radical Self-Acceptance: Emotions

We treasure progress. Our achievements are measured by how far we have come, how much we have attained, and, sometimes, the struggles we have gone through. These measurements stick us right back into our past and hold the future in front of us like a carrot on a string. We tell ourselves that when we accomplish this, we will celebrate. We tell ourselves that we have come this far and struggled this much, so now is the time to sing our praises. Sometimes we even justify our pain, emotions, or state of being because of what we've gone through in the past. I’m so tired today, I worked late and it was so busy all day. I’m so pissed off right now, I didn’t get a moment to myself all day. Sometimes, these explanations are necessary. Sometimes events and situations do cause pain, and…

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Read more about the article Allowing Your Feelings in a World of Expectations
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Allowing Your Feelings in a World of Expectations

Feelings are the eternal human plague. They bring us up, and send us plummeting back to earth. In a way, they seem to symbolize who we truly are, and we often say that emotions reveal a lot about the inner self. But for as strong and tangible as emotions can seem, they often leave us feeling like we are lying to ourselves and to others. We may feel that a situation we are experiencing shouldn’t make us feel the way it does. Perhaps we are reacting too strongly when others seem calm, or maybe we are completely numb in times of emotional upheaval. Society has a tendency to standardize emotions, leading us to believe that we should feel xyz in this or that situation. We are led to believe that our feelings should fit in a box, with certain emotions or reactions deemed ‘OK’…

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