Hindsight is 2020: How to Make the Most Out of This Season

As we journey to the end of 2020, we are faced with the memories of all that has happened this year. Many of us remember all the bad, all the what-ifs, all the if onlys. But how many of us have taken the time to truly reflect?

We always say that hindsight is 2020.

With all of the glorious 20/20 jokes that are at our disposal, why aren’t we jumping on this one?

We always say we don’t know we are in the good old days until they are gone. But what if these are the good old days? What if the time we are forced to spend by ourselves, with our spouses, or in a house with our in-laws are the days that we will miss years down the road?

Right now, in the middle of all of this, we have been given the gift of time. Time to explore and discover ourselves, time to reconnect with our families, and time to learn more about our partners. What if, years down the road, we find ourselves regretting not taking advantage of the time we have now?

Maybe these are the golden days, here, now, in the middle of all that is going on. What if we are letting life pass us by because we are too busy looking to the future, longing for the past, and thinking about everything that has been ‘taken’ from us?

hindsight reflection journal with crystals

We have all lost incredible things this year.

Our lives changed into something we never imagined, and yet here we stand. These, my friend, are the good old days. One day you will look back and wish you had this much time to explore yourself, or learn about your partner, or see your family.

One day you will look back and long for the experiences you have you now, the very experiences you are taking for granted. Your hindsight will be 2020.

As annoying as it is, every cloud has a silver lining. Are we really going to let life pass us by because we want it to be the same as it was last year? Life changes. WE change. It is time for us to embrace this change.

We are in a season, my friend.

This season can be good, bad, or ugly. It is up to you. Sometimes the most beautiful things come out of the darkness and sit right in front of us. But we don’t notice them until it is too late.

So, I want to ask you: What about your life right now will be crystal clear in hindsight? What will you regret not doing fully? What situation or experience are you allowing to pass you by?

Don’t just watch it as it goes. Chase it, grab it, and live it fully, knowing that you won’t have this experience ever again.

We are in a season, my friend.

What are you going to do with it?