How to Help Others: A Conversation with My Inner Voice

black ball point pen with brown spiral notebook

When I am feeling stressed, anxious, sad, or worried, I often sit down to journal. Many times during these writing sessions, a voice comes to me. Whether it is my own soul speaking through me, a channeled entity, or my subconscious, I do not know. But I do know that this voice, whatever it is, has infinite wisdom beyond my mind’s comprehension.

Today, this voice had a message about the common human goal to help others. Although this message came through to address a lot of my own personal doubts, I felt called to share it all with you. I know this message will resonate with everyone in some way, and I would love to know what it means to you.

The goal is not to help others, my love.

The others can always help themselves. No, the goal is to help yourself. For in finding your own light you shine it onto others.

In becoming whole you add to the wholeness of the universe, the wholeness of Being. In finding your own path and lighting your own light you are healing the experience.

You are not here to cajole, twist, or help.

Help is the sunny side of control, my lovely one.

Help is not the answer: Truth is. The truth that can only be found within yourself. The truth that will set you free, and thereby letting others be set free.

You are not helping others by priority, and yourself by accident. No. You are growing yourself on purpose and shining the light on others by accident.

Do not make helping others your life goal my love, because this cannot be done.

You cannot help someone who does not want help, and at the end of the day only you can help yourself. No, my love, your life’s purpose is to shine a light. To be the light, the voice, the prayer, the answer. To heal yourself so fully and completely that people are healed merely by being in your presence.

Therefore, the purpose of your life is not outside of you, but within.

This goes against so much of what you think my lovely one. We know this is not easy to comprehend. But there is beauty in this truth, if you choose to listen.

We know you worry about being wrong, doing it wrong, not being right.

But we way have this to say: there is no wrong or right. There is no good or bad. There is, effectively, no failure. You humans have made this so, but on a grander scale there is no fire such as this.

There is only the truth, and the truth is what it is.

There are no boundaries, no definitions, no limits, and there is, paradoxically, no falsehood to counteract the truth. Only truth exists, and this truth will allow you to find peace within.

So no, my darling. Now is not the time to give up, to strive, to yearn.

Now is the time to flow ceaselessly into yourself. Flow into your mind, into your body, into your heart. Flow, knowing that you will have exactly what you need, knowing it is your duty to heal yourself.

It is your duty to shine your light, to cleanse it so that it may be a beacon of hope. Do this not for others, but for yourself. This is difficult my darling: you have been taught to save everyone but yourself. Foolish, this. But you do not think it to be so, my darling, and we love you for that. Truly we love your servant heart.

But it is time to shine that light on yourselves.

No, do not shine it with the end goal of shining it on others. Shine it for the sake of shining it. Be whole for the sake of being whole. Love yourself, knowing that in doing so you love others.

This is not their fight, my love, but yours.

This is the same fight made for all humans: the ability to believe they are worthy of their own love. It is this realization that creates wholeness.

It is not a measure of how much you can help others, or the difference you have made in the outer world. Your inner world changes, and it is the inner world in which you find peace.

It is not your job, my lovely one, to change the outer world.

This is too big of a task. No. It is your job to heal your inner world, so that it may be a true reflection of the outer world you wish to see.

Do you understand this, my love? This is the time to be free, not from others, but from yourself. Heal your hurts, my lovely one.

For in doing this you create a truly beautiful world.