A Comprehensive Guide to the Third Eye Chakra

  • Post category:Chakras / Energetics
  • Reading time:11 mins read
photo of amethyst

Your Chakras serve as storage centers for the energy that flows through your body. You have seven major chakras that run the length of your spine, but minor chakras are located all over your body. Each of these storage centers correlates to a specific organ/gland combo, beginning at the base of the spine and ending at the crown of your head. Traditionally, the main chakras are numbered one through seven, beginning with the root chakra.

The energetic frequencies of these centers have been studied, and through a mixture of ancient wisdom and practical experience we have arrived at an understanding of how each chakra influences our energetic selves.

Although healers and mystics have recognized the chakras for thousands of years, they are just now beginning to make their way into modern medicine. If you are skeptical, check out this article.

Because of the abundant information available about each energy center, this post just skims the surface. It is written as a comprehensive guide, something that serves as a baseline for your knowledge, so that you can grow and develop from a strong foundation.

Third Eye Chakra

Known in Sanskrit as Ajna, meaning ‘command’, ‘perceive’, or ‘beyond wisdom’, Third Eye Chakra is the center of what is known as intuition. While a person’s two physical eyes witness the physical world, the third eye witnesses and perceives the spiritual or metaphysical world. Third eye is the origin of inner wisdom, the combination of physical experiences and energetic or spiritual phenomenon.

Physical Identity

Third eye chakra is located, as you can imagine, in the middle of your forehead. It’s location on the head correlates with the location of the pineal gland on the brain. The pineal gland serves a myriad of functions, most notably our sleep/wake cycle. However, in recent years the pineal gland has received a lot of attention for its implications in spirituality and energetics. Joe Dispenza is perhaps most famous for his work with pineal gland activation. You can learn more about him here.  

Due to its association with the pineal gland, as well as the hypothalamus and other brain structures, the third eye chakra plays an important role in hormonal and physiological regulation. In terms of the spine, the pineal gland corresponds with the cranium and skull bones.

Emotional Identity

Emotionally, this chakra governs intuition, wisdom, and intelligence. Third eye chakra is where the integration of physical and spiritual knowledge meets, leading to an inner knowing about both the physical and metaphysical worlds. Commonly praised for its association with states of super consciousness, the third eye chakra has an intensely spiritual energy. It represents the first point where Divine energy fully connects with our bodies, after filtering down through the crown chakra.

The third eye often corresponds with the ability to perceive the future, or to predict what might be. It is often speculated that people with talent in divination have very open third eyes, and this chakra is also the origin of the term ‘seer’. Perhaps the most well-known of all the chakras, third eye chakra is touted by the spiritual community as a hub of energetic and spiritual potential. Although the third eye tends to be given the most attention, it is important to remember that each chakra is equally important on your journey. One is not better than another.

Just like your physical bodies can become imbalanced or ill, so too can our energetic bodies. Because the chakras function as energetic storage centers, any fluctuation in their energies causes them to either release too much energy or too little. The symptoms of these fluctuations appear first on an emotional and mental level. Then, if the imbalance persists, physical symptoms develop.

Emotional Symptoms

Emotional symptoms of an imbalanced third eye include:

  • Close-mindedness
  • Inability to dream about or plan for the future
  • Only accepting proven facts
  • No imagination
  • Inability to trust the intuition
  • Disconnect from the intuition
  • Difficulty making decisions
  • Feeling out of alignment
  • Living among the fairies
  • Overactive or overwhelming imagination
  • Uncontrollable visions
  • Lack of concentration
  • Nightmares
  • Paranoia

Physical Symptoms

Physical Symptoms of an imbalanced third eye include:

  • Vision problems
  • Migraines or headaches
  • Mental disorders
  • Issues with hormonal regulation
  • Sleep disorders
  • Hallucinations
  • Brain fog
  • Fatigue or sluggishness
  • Seizures
  • Sinus issues
  • Memory problems

Balanced Presentation

When your third eye chakra is balanced, you will have a healthy sense of trust in your own intuition. Physically, the symptoms of imbalance will be absent, your hormonal and physiological health will be well regulated, and your memory will be strong. Emotionally, creativity and inspiration will flow easily, and you will have a strong connection with your own inner wisdom and intuition.

For many people, having a balanced third eye chakra leads to the ability to see things like auras, and enhances their understanding of the energetic and spiritual nature of the world around them. However, balancing the third eye chakra does not guarantee clairvoyance or altered perception. For many, a balanced third eye will simply mean the absence of imbalanced symptoms.  

photo of amethyst

Color and Vibration

Much like heart chakra, the color of the sixth chakra is widely debated. Traditionally, in keeping with the rainbow, third eye vibrates as indigo. However, some portrayals, including my own, view the sixth chakra with the color purple. It is important to remember that clinical manifestations of this chakra can vary widely in color depending on the person in question and their experiences.

Vibrationally, this chakra corresponds to LA on the solfeggio sequence, coming in at 852 Hz. This resonates with the vibrational tone of the planet Venus and unlocks the unconscious elements and capabilities of the mind. On the traditional music scale, this chakra corresponds with La, or the note A.

Affirmation and Aura Connection

The sixth chakra corresponds to a person’s intuition and wisdom. Its inherent right is ‘to perceive,’ and the common verbal expression is, ‘I follow my inner guidance.’

The third eye chakra’s affirmation may look something like the following:

“I am connected with the divine love and wisdom that runs through my vessel and my life. I trust my inner wisdom and have total clarity on my path.”

In connection to the aura, this chakra is associated with the Celestial Body, the layer of the aura associated with light and enlightenment. This layer gives you access to higher feelings, thoughts, and manifestations.

Balancing the Third Eye

Activities that balance the sixth chakra enhance intuitive connection and enhance your perception of both the physical and metaphysical. For this reason, some of the most popular balancing activities include:

  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Pineal gland activations
  • Future journaling/visualization
  • Sleeping or creating a regular sleep schedule
  • Wearing the color purple or indigo
  • Practicing third eye affirmations
  • Using crystals such as amethyst, fluorite, lepidolite, and labradorite
  • Listen to 852 Hz. For a good resource, check out this Youtube video


The chakras serve as energy reservoirs in the body, and, just like aspects of our physical anatomy, they also impact our health and wellness. Because of this, understanding the energetic influence the chakras have on your mental state and physical body leads to a better grasp of true health. Finding ways to balance your chakras will create shifts in your overall wellbeing.

If you have had difficulty making decisions or trusting your own inner guidance, you may have an imbalance in your third eye. If any of the symptoms in this post resonated with you, it may be time to check in on the health and wellbeing of your sixth energy center. Take time to reflect on how your third eye chakra is functioning, feeling, and impacting you.

How can you connect to your intuition, and allow your inner wisdom to play a larger role in your life? Answering questions like this will help to strengthen your relationship with your third eye.

Tell me: Did this article resonate with you? How is your third eye chakra feeling?

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