A Comprehensive Guide to the Throat Chakra

  • Post category:Chakras / Energetics
  • Reading time:10 mins read

Your Chakras serve as storage centers for the energy that flows through your body. You have seven major chakras that run the length of your spine, but minor chakras are located all over your body. Each of these storage centers correlates to a specific organ/gland combo, beginning at the base of the spine and ending at the crown of your head. Traditionally, the main chakras are numbered one through seven, beginning with the root chakra.

The energetic frequencies of these centers have been studied, and through a mixture of ancient wisdom and practical experience we have arrived at an understanding of how each chakra influences our energetic selves.

Although healers and mystics have recognized the chakras for thousands of years, they are just now beginning to make their way into modern medicine. If you are skeptical, check out this article.

Because of the abundant information available about each energy center, this post just skims the surface. It is written as a comprehensive guide, something that serves as a baseline for your knowledge, so that you can grow and develop from a strong foundation.

beverage blue breakfast brown

Throat Chakra

In Sanskrit, throat chakra, the fifth chakra, is known as Vishuddha. In English, visha means ‘impurity’ and suddhi means ‘to purify.’ As a phrase, Vishuddha refers to ‘impurity which has been purified.’ Although commonly thought of as a chakra of expression, throat chakra holds the power to filter the power of spoken words and vibrational energy. This means that, while a chakra of expression, the throat chakra is important for filtering out all spiritual ‘impurities’ or ‘poisons.’

Physical Identity

Located in the middle of the throat, the fifth chakra governs the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Its range of influence extends from the collarbone to the ears. Due to its association with the thyroid, throat chakra regulates metabolism and calcium production and filtration. The metabolic properties of throat chakra align with its energetic emphasis on purification. In the spine, throat chakra corresponds to the cervical spine, or vertebrae C3-7.

Emotional Identity

Emotionally, this chakra governs communication. Communication includes both speaking and listening, the giving and receiving of energy through the power of words, body language, and other forms of communication. Clear, healthy, and truthful communication comes from this chakra, and is the culmination of safety, self-esteem, and love from the lower chakras.

Energetically, the throat chakra governs purification. In terms of communication, think of a conversation in which one person feels angry and imbalanced while the other feels content and balanced. In listening to the angry words being thrown by the other person, someone with a balanced throat chakra will be able to receive the words, pass them through the purification of throat chakra, and answer with words full of love and honesty. However, if both parties had blocked throat chakras, this purification of energy would not occur, leading to a cycle of continuously poisonous words.

Just like your physical bodies can become imbalanced or ill, so too can our energetic bodies. Because the chakras function as energetic storage centers, any fluctuation in their energies causes them to either release too much energy or too little. The symptoms of these fluctuations appear first on an emotional and mental level. Then, if the imbalance persists, physical symptoms develop.

Emotional Symptoms

Emotional symptoms of an imbalanced throat chakra include:

  • Hesitation communicating needs and feelings
  • Wishy washy words
  • Sharp, biting, or hurtful words
  • Inability to listen
  • Interrupting others
  • Refusing the opinions of others
  • Relying on outside opinions too much
  • Lying
  • Gossiping
  • Fear of the truth
  • Shutting down or avoiding conversations
  • Fear of speaking
  • Frequent fights or arguments

Physical Symptoms

Physical symptoms of an imbalanced throat chakra include:

  • Jaw issues
  • Teeth grinding
  • Ear, nose, or throat problems
  • Thyroid imbalance
  • Hearing problems
  • Sinus infections
  • Teeth issues, such as cavities
  • Sore throat
  • Metabolic problems
  • Calcium deficiencies or imbalances
  • Swollen tonsils
  • Swollen lymph nodes in throat
  • Neck pain

Balanced Presentation

When your fifth chakra is balanced, communication happens with ease. You listen attentively, speak the truth kindly, and communicate with honesty and clarity. The energy within will feel clean and clear, as you speak your truth and accept the truth in others.

Further signs of a balanced throat chakra include feeling heard and honored for your voice, having strong communication skills, maintenance of healthy thyroid function, relative absence of physical symptoms, and feeling comfortable communicating your truth.

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Color and Vibration

Traditionally, each chakra vibrates with a color of the rainbow. As the fifth chakra, your throat chakra vibrates as sky blue. However, clinical manifestations of this chakra can vary widely in color depending on the person in questions and their experiences.

Vibrationally, this chakra corresponds to SO on the Solfeggio sequence, registering at 741 Hz. This frequency is known to remove toxins and electromagnetic radiation from the cells, but it also helps to encourage expression and releases emotional restrictions. In the traditional musical scale, this chakra corresponds to So, or the note G.

Affirmation and Aura Connection

The throat chakra corresponds to a person’s ability to listen and speak. Its inherent right is ‘to express,’ and the common verbal expression is, ‘I express my truth and listen with compassion.’

The throat chakra’s affirmation may look something like the following:

“I speak my truth freely and openly, being honest with myself and others. I am safe to express myself truthfully and I listen easily, with compassion and an open mind.”

In connection with the aura, this chakra is associated with the Etheric Template body, the layer of the aura in which sound (or vibration) turns into matter. It holds the template for all that exists on the physical plane and is the layer in which dis-ease is first noticed.

Balancing the Throat Chakra

Activities to balance the fifth chakra allow for free communication and the expression of truth. Because of this, some of the most common activities to balance the throat chakra include:

  • Sing or recite mantras
  • Practice compassionate listening
  • Share your feelings, thoughts, or ideas with someone you trust
  • Throat breathing
  • Wear or look at the color blue
  • Practice throat chakra affirmations
  • Use throat chakra crystals such as lapis lazuli, blue lace agate, aquamarine, and celestite.
  • Listen to 741 Hz. For a good resource, check out this Youtube video


The chakras serve as energy reservoirs in the body, and, just like aspects of our physical anatomy, they also impact our health and wellness. Because of this, understanding the energetic influence the chakras have on your mental state and physical body leads to a better grasp of true health. Finding ways to balance your chakras will create shifts in your overall wellbeing.

If you have been having trouble communicating clearly, listening compassionately, or speaking easily, you may have an imbalance in your throat chakra.

If any of the symptoms in this post resonated with you, it may be time to check in on the health and wellbeing of your fifth energy center. Take time to reflect on how your throat chakra is functioning, feeling, and impacting you.

How can you express your truth, and listen to the communication you receive from others? What areas of communication need strengthened for you? Answering questions like these will help to balance your throat chakra.

Tell me: Did this article resonate with you? How is your throat chakra feeling?

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